Friday, April 27, 2012

Get an email when we post

In case you haven’t noticed, we now have a feature right over there on the left hand side of the page, where you can sign up to get notified by email whenever we post a new entry here. Try it out!

Easter Photos

I thought I would share a couple of great photos taken on Easter by our great friend Whitney.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It’s an IKEA assembly party!

First off, I know you all have been waiting on getting some updates on this blog for a while. Trust me, we have lots of good intentions about posting here but blogging time has to compete with all the other things we have to do…
For example, a couple weekends ago we had a bunch of friends over to help us get some new furniture ready. Since the baby’s will be taking over both the old guest room and the old office, we have to move all that stuff out and find a new home for lots of stuff. So this was all about making space in several parts of the house.
The boxes seem so innocent...
The boxes look so innocent…